The Saga Continues…

October 11, 2007

When we last left our warriors, the Apple and AT&T corporations were in hiding. they were defeated by the rebel alliance who developed programs that could break the bonds that these corporations had placed on the precious iPhone. However, the corporations did not hide idly as the world roamed free with their creations, as was written in the book of napkins by the prophet napkinini. They sat, coniving and developed software updates that would render any phone in the hands of a rebel, worthless, unusable, and “broken”. But the book of napkin gave the rebels hope.

The scripture reads as follows:

napkinini writes: My lawyer senses are tingling as multitudes of lawyers use their new iPhones to contact representatives for a deliciously huge class action lawsuit against the Big Apple.

The prophet, in these words, fortold that “justice” would be served in time, and that the wandering in the wilderness will soon come to an end for the rebels, and they shall one day walk onto the land of promise. But now, my fellow blogsplogians, that prophecy is FULFILLED!

Yes brothers, the corporations’ fate now lies at the mercy of a massive gavel. The world is watching, empire and rebel alike, in anxious expectation for the revelation of the verdict. We can only hope that the “prophet” will be able to foretell the outcome soon, so that our desires can be satisfied. It seems only appropriate that this prophecy come to its fulfillment on the prophet’s birthday. Happy Birthday Napkinini!